martes, 19 de junio de 2012


Hello! Today I will talk about my favorite website. I will choose one that I use a lot but I don´t have a favorite website.  
The website is . In this website you can do a lot can listen music, download and upload videos of different kinds, do comment of others videos, and others things.
This videos can be of: funny animals, films, serials, television series, people doing things, people learning things, music, dance, cooking, and a lot others things!!
In you can find almost all the kinds of videos that you can imagine. I like it. 
I use this website almost every day for listen music and see videos. I like to listen the top tracks of the different artists. 
For upload your videos to you must create a user. This is free!!! :D I don´t have a user still, but I will create one. 
However,  if you want to see a video online you don´t need have a user. You only enter in the website and write the name of the video that you want see. 
Other thing that you can do in youtube is to share some video in This is other website. I like too. 
Bye bye! 

martes, 12 de junio de 2012


Hello! Today I will speak about a country I want to visit. I have always want travel to England because I have see some pictures of this country and it is very beautiful.
I love England because it has a lot castles (I love the castles!). Always I have want know one.
Also I like the gastronomy...they eat kuchen of apple (I like it ). Their more important food is the breakfast, it consist in: mess eggs with ham beaked, sausage, tomato, juice of fruit, oats with milk, slice of toast, muffins, coffee with milk or tea. 
I like the animals...deer, sly, squirrel, and much others; the very incredible; the landscape, it is very beautiful....and others things.
I would like work and study there but for this I have to learn english :).
If I go there some day, the first thing I will do is go to visit the Castle of Howard. It is very very big. In spite of that it is call Castle, it isn`t a castle, it is a house of country. This is a mansion.
I want save some money for the travel. My big dream is know Europe.
Also I like this country for his climate because it is more cold that in Chile and I like the cold.


martes, 5 de junio de 2012


Hello! Today I will speak about two favorite breeds of dog. I like much the dogs but I don´t have one because my house is small, because in the day my house is empty and the dog will be alone, and because I have a cat.

My favorite breed of dog is the Chow Chow. This dog is of China. The body is fatty with small ears. The coat is very dense and this can be smooth or rough.
The Chow Chow is a dog very loyal and affectionate with his family.
I like this breed because is very beautiful with a coat very bright, and because this dog looks a bear xD. I like the bear.

My second breed of dog favorite is the Akita. This dog is very big and powerful. His coat can be black with white, brown with black or gray whit white. The Akita is dominant, loyal and territorial.
I like this breed because my father had one Akita. It´s called Thor. My father had to give it to another family.
Thor is good now but I missed it u.u. We always played.

Well, this is all!
 Thor when puppy :)


miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012

Remember my childhood :)

Hello! I really delay me in choose a picture because I found much of this really cute. These pictures make me to remember  sweet moments but finally I choose one that was important for me because  this picture represent big part of my childhood. 

Here I am in a stadium (with swimming pool, court, pitch, foodgarden, and others places) with my brother, sister, and two cousins. The picture have token for my mom.  
At that time, I was less than ten years...I don´t remember exactly that age I had. 

I went this stadium since that I was very little....all my childhood. I liked it, but five years ago that I leave go. I missed it. 

I like this picture because I remember moments sweet and funny. In this stadium I learned to swim very good, I met much people, I had fun with my sister, brother, cousins, friends, and others. We played ball, walked for the place ( this place have a lot green areas, tree, a place very beautiful and big) swam, ate ice cream, played cards, played in the swings and others things. 

I am the of blue xD. 


martes, 15 de mayo de 2012

Veterinary Medicine

Hello! I will speak about why I wanted study veterinary medicine. 
When I was a child I always dreamed study vet. I love the animals, the biology, the sciences in general, since I was a child. I never thought study other thing. When people asked me, I used to say: I want be a vet! :). 
I decided study veterinary medicine because I wish help to the animals, learn about them, others. 
Now that I am studying veterinary medicine I am very happy. I have learned a lot thing, for example, information about the animals of farm because I work in "Mundo Granja", charasteristic about exotic animals in my elective class, and many things about chemistry, biology, biochemistry...others. I like much my program until now ^^. 
When I finish my degree course I want to work with exotics animals or also I would like to work in a farm because I like the horses, sheeps, piggies, cows, rabbits, and others. I don´t know yet which option I want to work, but I have time still to decide.     


martes, 8 de mayo de 2012

The Bear!!

Hello! I will speak about my favourite animal. This is the bear!.
The bear is a wild animal. This animal is one of the most biggers (can weight until 780 kg.) and stronger than many others. The coat is very silky and soft.  I love it.
Exist several kind of bear, for example, brown bear, polar bear, fur seal, anteater, panda, others.
They eat different food. This depend of the breed, for example, the panda eat bamboo, the polar bear eat fish.
Their habitats also are different. The brown bear live in Europe, Asia and North America. The panda live in Minshan, Qinling, Qionglai, Liangshan, Daxiangling and Xiaoxiangling.

I like the bear because is a animal very beautiful, interesting. I want learn a lot about them. I know that they are dangerous but I want work with bears and many animals exotic in a Zoo.

Also I have many teddy bear xD.

Bye! :)

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

My viewpoints

Hello! I will speak about : owning exotic pet, violence on television, killing stray dogs, cloning and recycling.

Well, first I will speak about owning exotic pet. For me this is very interesting because they are original pets . Not much people have this kind of animals as pet. The people prefer have cats or dogs because they are must easy to bring up.  I love animals especially the exotic animals but I don´t have one. When I finish my program, I want work with their.

About violence on television, I think this is bad because children watch TV everyday and they could try do these things. However I think that is good because they can learn that this thing are bad.

About killing stray dogs: in the streets have much stray dogs but kill them, isn´t the solution, because the dogs would continue their reproduction. One solution can be the sterilization.

The cloning is a topic very interesting. This discipline help to the science in different things, for example, to experiment, to create antidotes, to observe behavior, among others things. I have hear about cloning in animals, for example, Dolly the sheep. But, the cloning also is a topic complicated because some people think that is anti-natural and for me is anti-natural too.

Finally I will speak about recycling. The recycling is very important because this help the environment, for example, to reduce the contamination and the global warming. Everyday there are more containers for recycling. I like it.

martes, 24 de abril de 2012

My mobile phone

My favourite piece of technology is my mobile phone. 
That has many functions: talk, send text message, take pictures, listen to music, keep notes, others. I have my mobile phone since 2 years.
It is Nokia. I had this same design but somebody stole it from me.
I use everyday my mobile phone. I use in my house, when I stay in the university, when I travel by bus.
This piece of technology is very important because I can talk to ask for help when I have any problem. 
Also, I like my mobile phone because I can send text messages when I want, for example, to invite a friend to go to a party.  
All the people use this piece of technology. Today the parents give their children mobile phones.   
I love my mobile phone in spite it is very old!

jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

Bruno Mars!

Hello! First of all, I must say that I really love music. I listen different styles of music: rock, pop, romantic, others. I like listen music when I travell by bus to the university because I entretain me. One of the artist that i like is called Bruno Mars. His real name is Peter Gene Hernández. He was brought up by one family of music in Honolulu, Hawai.  He play a very good mix of rock, pop, reggae, R&B, soul and hip hop. Bruno Mars began to make music since two years. He travell to the Angeles for study one music program.
The first album is called Doo-Wops & Hooligans. I love the song "Talking to the moon", but my favorite song is of other album. That song is called "It will rain". That is my ringtones. 
I like Bruno Mars because he sing very good and he have a lot styles of songs. I went to the concert! I enjoy it.
Here I have uploaded the video of one song. Enjoy!

martes, 10 de abril de 2012

Who i am?

Bernardita Quezada was born in Santiago, Chile. She live whit her mom, brother and sister. Her mother work in a kindergarten. Her brother and sister are studying in the university.
She studied at Colegio Las Carmelitas de las Condes. Later she completed her high school studies at Liceo Rafael Sotomayor in Las Condes.
She´s studying veterinary medicine  in the Universidad de Chile. She is in second year. Later to finish her veterinary medicine program, she want work whit exotic animals for help and look after their. 
She worked in her faculty (Mundo Granja) and she was promoter of supermarket. 
On fridays she have class of dance. She like it. 
She loves all the animals, especially the cats because she have one. Her cat is call Kitty.
One of her dreams is travell  for many countries because she want investigate about a lot animals. 
